Quality Control

Quality Control

The main aim of Quality control is to check whether the products meet the specifications and requirements of the client. We ensure that all the products that are manufactured by our company meet the standard and intended specifications of quality and purity..
Our dedicated, hard working Quality Control (QC) team works round the clock to ensure that every product manufactured by us complies with all international standards of quality, purity and efficacy. Our team performs comprehensive tests according to pharmacopeias (Ph.Eur., USP,BP, JP & IP) for inhouse developed as well as validated analytical methods as per client requirements. The team also reviews the tests that are in compliance with ICH guidelines. Our QC department is equipped with the following machines/apparatus of top-notch manufacturers: We are planning to enhance our QC department with further equipment in the near future as per our client demands and requirements. We have established stringent Quality Compliance as per ICH / Ph.Eur / BP guidelines for the production of Finished dosage forms and semi-finished products as per cGMP. The Company is committed to achieving customer satisfaction by the use of quality procedures which will be operated to meet or exceed the requirements of Higher Regulated norms.

Our Process

We look for smart, curious, capable people with skill, passion and integrity. We trust them and give them the space to act, succeed and learn from mistakes. We support them in their endeavors to grow and develop, and help them to achieve both individually and, more importantly, within their team.